Small Businesses
Across America

American University • Baruch College • Boston College • Cincinnati • Columbia • Cornell • Dartmouth • Emory • Fordham • Georgia Tech • UMD at College Park • NC State • NYU • Seton Hall • SMU • UC Berkeley • UC Davis • UCLA • UNC • UT Austin • WashU •

We mobilize college students to leverage their education, digital fluency, mentorship networks, and knowledge as customers to empower small business owners and drive change in their communities.

Video: Hear from our volunteers and clients

Changing Communities
from Within

Our Partners

Consult Your Community started out in an undergraduate Leadership Seminar at UC Berkeley, and it has grown to 29 locations across the country thanks to the work of the National team, a team of young professionals and executives. We collaborate with student volunteers, small businesses, and local partners. For more information, reach out to info@consultyourcommunity.org.

Our Volunteers

Leading community growth would not be possible without strong, compassionate professionals and students eager to turn experience into impact. Does this sound like you?

Our Stories

Meaningful contribution and service is often followed by deep learning for our volunteers as well as our small business clients. Want to hear how communities are coming together to live out the American Dream?

Active Chapters
Across the Country

Service is about collaboration. We strive to create inclusive collaboration within communities by mobilizing leaders who create results using empathy, active listening, and hard work.


Industry/Competitor/ Company/Customer Analysis (Current State Assessments, Benchmarking)

Capital Infusion

Access to mentors


Implementation of strategy, extension of engagement with CYC, or referrals

Launch of new programs/services (especially digital)

Response to competitive threat


Reduced risk tolerance to invest strategically in business

Better understanding of customer or bridging the digital divide (especially for older SB owners)

Improved competitive positioning


Increased economic productivity of small businesses 

Increased business growth and long-term profitability

Improved business acumen of small business clients on how to respond and deploy resources to strategic challenges

Small Business
Large Impact

University chapters across America
years in operation
Small businesses in an academic year
~ 150
Approximate hours of pro bono counsel dedicated to directly helping small businesses
Volunteers across the country
100 +